2014 Resolutions

January 7, 2014

I always like to start my year with a good set of resolutions.  Whether they actually get accomplished or not...well, that's another story.  As long as a few key items and accomplishments are checked off the list, I feel that I've definitely made progress for the year. 

For 2014 I resolve to do the following...

1. Become more physically and fiscally fit. 
2. Expand my business, Swish Productions, to boutiques in Texas and continue to grow my on-line presence.
3. Get with more bloggers to get my name out there more.
4. Travel WAY more than I have in the past. 
5. Integrate more dating into my schedule...even if I do find it to be one of the worst parts of life! 
6. Try new things, especially if they scare me.  (Which most things do.)
7. Read more (I used to read books ALL the time) and watch less reality television.
8. Participate in at least 4x artisan shows throughout the year and get to know other artisans in the community better.

What are your resolutions for the new year?  I would love to hear what you are working on! 
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