
October 1, 2012

Must Have Monday: "Breaking Amish"

As most of you already know, I'm what I like to refer to as a reality TV whore.  If it's on Bravo, MTV, E! or TLC, it probably on my DVR right now waiting for me to watch.  It might be a sickness of sorts. 

Most recently, I've become obsessed with a little TLC gem called "Breaking Amish."  If you aren't already watching this have to start like NOW.  It might just be the best show on TLC at the moment {and that's a bold statement with quality programming like "Say Yes to the Dress" and my "Big Fat Gypsy Wedding."}.  I know you probably think I'm kidding, but if you know me, you know I'm not.  I LOVE THIS SHOW.  

Let me give you a brief synopsis of the deliciousness that is "Breaking Amish," so you can get an idea of what you're missing out on.  The show focuses on four Amish and one Mennonite {all young adults} that have left their restricted lives in their communities to experience a different life of experimentation in New York.  The show follows them making new friends, starting relationships, getting jobs drinking and even doing things like trying sushi for the first time.  I like to refer to it as an Amish Real World.  It's literally the true story of five Amish people, picked to live in a house and have their lives taped.  It's up to YOU to watch what happens when they stop being polite, and start getting real!

They're already three episodes in, but have no fear, TLC plays the old episodes NONSTOP just to give you a chance to get hooked.  At this point, they're all in New York, now wearing what they refer to as "English" clothes, going out and getting jobs.

You have to watch!  There are new episodes every Sunday night at 9:00PM CST, so set your DVRs!  I would love to know what you think!

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